
High-spec smartphone one dollar .. provided

Interacted markets of the world of technology with the launch of "One Plus One" Chinese "OnePlus One" for the first organs smart system Android Ketekat 4.4, standard specifications may embarrass all competitors and at a price between $ 300 and $ 350, and the company provided a solution is traditional for those who do not have the price of the device by making dollar Only one, provided smashing the old machine and the video recording process to enter the competition entitled "Do not accept compromises .. smashed past," Word users around the world video clips documenting their part to break down their devices already in the hope of winning a new one.

While considered "One Plus One" apparatus new "elegant surprisingly", and betting in the market is estimated size of $ 50 billion, welcomed the users many and several specialized sites specifications of the device screen 5.5-inch high-definition 1920x 1080 Japanese-made, provide 16 million color density of 401 points per pixel, and allows touch control with 10 fingers at one time.

Some experts considered that the new device faster than the Galaxy S5 and at a price less than Nexus 5 from Google, given the high specifications, in what others have a direct competitor of the device htc-one-m8 and beats the Apple iPhone S5 in several aspects of the most important of the screen size, memory and battery power.

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