
Apple and Google decide ending lawsuits between them

Apple and Google announced a joint agreement for the closure of all current litigation between the two companies, including the case against the first on the violation of patents owned by the company, "Motorola Mobility".

The two companies made it clear that the agreement does not include any decisions to exchange patents between them, but it paves the way for a joint cooperation to work on the development of patents in some areas.

The agreement drops the lawsuits that have already been filed against any of the other companies on the violation of patents registered in the United States, but it does not clarify the status of lawsuits filed against companies cooperating with Google to produce smart devices operating systems being developed, such as Samsung.

The Samsung has convicted a few weeks ago of violating patents owned by Apple in the manufacture of a number of smart phones and tablet computers in the Galaxy series, the devices that operate all system "Android".

In contrast, the lawsuits will be filed by the company "Motorola Mobility" against Apple issues that will be closed in accordance with the agreement, the proceedings which began in 2010 on charges of violating the phones "iPhone" for patents, especially on how to deal with the third-generation communications networks.

The "Google" retained the patents that were owned by the company, "Motorola Mobility" in spite of its agreement to sell the company to its counterpart Lenovo last January compared to 2.9 billion U.S. dollars.

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