
"Google," a device designed a Tablet three-dimensional

The Internet giant "Google" design a new tablet device has a three-dimensional capabilities, to the newspaper "The Wall Street Journal," sources familiar with the matter.

And enjoy this little device screen of 7 inches (17.8 centimeters) and a camera from behind sensors infrared and sophisticated software that is able to capture the precise three-dimensional images, as was mentioned in the economic newspaper.

It is expected to launch "Google" next month process of producing almost 4 thousand model of this device to be submitted for application developers. It is adopted in this context methodology similar to that adopted for the Interactive her glasses "Google Glass". The paper disclosed that this device falls within the framework of the project "Project Tango" centered on the three-dimensional technology.

The group was launched in the context of this project is mapping software last February customized for smart phones in the effort to copy what room designs, dimensions of the triple.

The three-dimensional technique of interest to large groups, technological, such as "Apple" and "Facebook".

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