
"Twitter" announces 255 million monthly active users

Twitter announced that as part of the announcement of its financial results for the first quarter of 2014, the number of users from reaching 255 million monthly active users.

Figures revealed by the company, on Tuesday, that despite the slowdown in the growth rate of the number of users of the social network, however, its share of the mobile advertising has seen significant growth.

Twitter reported that, in addition to 255 million monthly active users, the number of network users via mobile active to 198 million, and this explains why, according to analysts, that acquires mobile advertising revenue to 80% of total advertising revenue.

The revenues of Twitter during the first three months of this year to $ 250 million 0.226 million of which came directly from the ads, and an annual increase rate of 125%.

For comparison, achieved a Twitter annual increase in the number of monthly active users by 25%, and an annual increase of 31% in terms of the number of active users via mobile, as the number of hits the timeline for network Twitter to more than 157 billion during the first quarter of 2014, The annual increase was estimated at 15%.

The Twitter announced the achievement of a number of active users per month during the fourth quarter of last year 2013.241 million, 0.184 million users via mobile.

In order to increase revenues and expand its business in the advertising business, has taken Twitter finally as major step towards this is by offering a service that allows developers to promote their applications and urged users to download via the social network or across a network ads on smart devices "MOB Bob" which acquired last year.

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