
Apple adds GPS inside buildings in the system iOS 8

Apple is working on adding new features to the compiler framework CoreLocatio system in iOS 8 will help application developers in obtaining accurate data to determine locations within buildings, depending on the sensors portable devices operating system iOS. It also allows the company to places wishing to participate so make requests to help enable the internal GPS technology.

It should be noted that the framework CoreLocation compiler currently supports up to a combination of cellular technology and GPS and "Wi-Fi" to provide developers with information about the whereabouts of users. Can those techniques to identify places in the city and those very close to the buildings or inside, in some cases, but they are not sufficient to identify places within buildings accurately or benefits such as inland navigation monitor the movement of any user accurately inside buildings.

The advantages of the new interface software applications CoreLocation API provided by Apple with iOS 8 to enable developers to take advantage of the processor M7 your devices iPhone and motion sensors for accurate determination of the location within the buildings, and the possibility of inland navigation, and access to numbers of floors inside the buildings as well.

However system iOS 8 will continue Apple's use of techniques cellular and GPS and Wi-Fi to reach a user to place, but when it reaches the place has been enabled mechanism internal GPS in it, it will look across the network, "Wi-Fi" and relies on sensors device such as a slice M7 offers accurate information on where the user resides and how fast they can move across the floors of the building.

It should be noted that, when it is enabled, the internal GPS Apple slice you turn GPS device in order to save energy. This feature requires a network "Wi-Fi" and the device is locked and relies on radio frequency data in places sensors in addition to the device.

Apple is working to make available all the data to developers through the same application programming interface CoreLocation API, and will start the applications that are currently applied to place the best accuracy by observing the mechanism for determining the best places. The system adds iOS 8 is also the ability to view floor number before the application interface software CoreLocation API. This can be illustrated by the visualization application allows the user to request a particular drink in a certain place and make it easier for workers to determine location and access it meticulously, even though it is moving in the same location or across multiple floors within the building.

Hopes Apple to operate the advantages of GPS inside buildings to promote technology iBeacon Bluetooth LE and adopted by the shops and accommodation, events and others have been announced with the system iOS 7. Works developers as well as to provide a great navigation experience unique interior could benefit from the technique iBeacons to enhance the experience. For example, the application of inland navigation can guide the user to select a destination somewhere such as galleries and museums.

Has been activated to determine the characteristics of the places inside the three buildings at the present time, including the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, the center of Westfield San Francisco Centre Airport and Mineta San Jose International Airport. Apple expects to add many places in the coming months in record time when many of the owners of the facilities to activate this technique. Can places wishing to activate the GPS technology to register through the internal channels operating system iOS developers and get help to complete the process.

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