Apple launched the Thursday update No. 8.0.2 of the operating system "iOS", and after only one day of the launch of version 8.0.1, which was a cause of problems, such as disabling the cellular communication service.
The company was launched Wednesday "iOS 8.0.1" to address the problems plaguing the system "IOS 8 new", which was launched to the general users a week ago, but the update came with defects software caused in making the users of the phones, "iPhone 6" and "iPhone 6 Plus" new unable to make or receive phone calls, as well as disable the fingerprint reader Touch ID.
The Apple targeted version "iOS 8.0.1", which made it available for several hours before withdrawing it, to solve the problem caused by using the data unexpectedly when receiving text messages, but tinkering loophole prevents applications designed to work with the health program of work, in addition to other problems.
The version "iOS 8.0.2" new resolve these issues, in addition to other problems, such as solving the problem of the abolition of selection keyboards third party when the user enters the passcode, solving a problem that prevents some applications from accessing the images from the Photo Library.
The new update also works to improve the reliability of reachability Reachability feature phones "iPhone 6" and "iPhone 6 Plus", in addition to other problems.
The company was launched Wednesday "iOS 8.0.1" to address the problems plaguing the system "IOS 8 new", which was launched to the general users a week ago, but the update came with defects software caused in making the users of the phones, "iPhone 6" and "iPhone 6 Plus" new unable to make or receive phone calls, as well as disable the fingerprint reader Touch ID.
The Apple targeted version "iOS 8.0.1", which made it available for several hours before withdrawing it, to solve the problem caused by using the data unexpectedly when receiving text messages, but tinkering loophole prevents applications designed to work with the health program of work, in addition to other problems.
The version "iOS 8.0.2" new resolve these issues, in addition to other problems, such as solving the problem of the abolition of selection keyboards third party when the user enters the passcode, solving a problem that prevents some applications from accessing the images from the Photo Library.
The new update also works to improve the reliability of reachability Reachability feature phones "iPhone 6" and "iPhone 6 Plus", in addition to other problems.
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