
"Apple" is seeking to rebound with "iPad" and computer

Company intends to "Apple" American launch of a new version and developer of desktop computers (imac) will include screens high precision is not available in laptops and other office equipment competition, as well as it plans for the first time launch devices "iPad" screen larger and specifications unprecedented , in an attempt to revive sales and override any decline in demand may arise from problems that have emerged in the phones, "iPhone" new.

It is expected that the company put "Apple" new types of devices "Mac" office during the month of October in conjunction with the operating system (Yosemite) and devices "iPad" new world awaits put forward during the next few weeks and the benefits of the new specification.

And remember the information circulating in the American media and Internet sites that the new model of the "iPad" will be a thick top-notch and lighter weight, as will be similar with "iPhone 6 Plus", which was put forward for the first time screen large size, as well as it will contain the system (Touch ID ), which allows the device to identify its owner through fingerprint hand.

Quoted by the newspaper "Daily Mail" British sources in the company "Apple" confirmed that "the new iMac devices in the final stages of testing in preparation for the company put on the market soon."

Sources say that the new devices will not stop at the high-resolution screens and clarity in the picture, which is not available in other devices the competition, but will contain faster processors, will also have a better ability to pick up the signal via the wireless internet (WiFi).


According to information circulating that the "Apple" plans to launch three versions of the tablet PC "iPad", and specifications are being talked about for the first time, where the expected launch of a new generation of devices "iPad" screen is measured at 9.7 inches, and will include for the first time reading system footprint ( Touch ID).

The company is also introducing "iPad Mini" with a small screen measured 7.9 inches, while both devices will be less than the thickness of previous models, and the closest in resemblance to the phones, "iPhone 6" which have been launched recently in the market.

The third device from the family of "iPad" which world awaits his appearance is "iPad Plus" which is expected to be a larger screen with a size of 12.9 inches, a screen close to or equal to the size of the screen in laptops "MacBook Air" and "MacBook Pro" .

New operating system

And is expected to include the new operating system (Yosemite), which would submit the "Apple" has many advantages, specifications and new capabilities, including full connectivity between desktop computers and phones, "iPhone", where the system will allow users to make telephone calls and send and receive SMS messages through the computer, including ultimately provides a greater ability to organize your files and contacts in business and computers along with smartphones.

It also will allow the new operating system externally different form, and includes for the first time the ability to search the Internet through the device directly and without the need to open any of the Internet browsers.

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