
HTC "officially reveal her new smart"

Unveiled HTC on Thursday unveiled a smart phone, "HTC Wen Minnie 2" HTC One mini 2, which is the mini version of the smart phone pioneer of this year, "HTC Wen M 8."

And match the specifications and form of the new phone with the leaks that preceded the announcement about it, where it comes in the same shape and structure of the "HTC Wen M 8", but it comes with a rear camera and a single.

The "HTC Wen Minnie 2 new" which falls under the category of mobile medium specifications, screen measuring 4.5 inches and accurately 1280 × 720 inches, in addition to 1 GB of RAM, and 16 GB of internal storage expandable up to 128 GB using cards external memory of the type "Micro ASD."

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