
Microsoft launches an update for "Windows Phone 8.1" for developers

Microsoft launched an update to the version of the developers of the system, "Windows Phone 8.1", with the aim of testing before they are adopted or released to users.

Microsoft explained that the new update, a copy of which bears the name of Windows Phone 8.1 Preview, included improvements have been working on them based on comments by users and developers.

Said Joey Belfora, vice president for Microsoft Windows, the update addressed a number of gaps that have been discovered recently in the system, and also includes improvements to reduce battery power consumption.

Developers can, those who have a copy on their Preview, install the new update via access to the item "Phone updates" Phone Update, from the settings menu Settings, then click on "Find Updates" Check for updates.

The launch of the new update for the smart phone operating system developed by Microsoft, which coincided with the launch of the first mobile operating system "Windows Phone 8.1" new, a phone, "Lumia 630", which falls under the category of low-cost handsets, where its price starts from $ 160.

It is noteworthy that Microsoft had revealed the system "Windows Phone 8.1" officially last month in addition to a copy Preview allocated to the developers, a system that brings several new features, most notably the PDA "Cortana" center notices.

It should be noted that the company did not disclose a specific date to launch the new update for ordinary users, however, expected to be put to the company later this month with a new application for managing files from the development.

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